Monday, September 27, 2010

Crossing out the Cross

Atheism is the new religion, and its converts are ardent, copious and unquestionable. Belief in crosses, scriptures or sermons by clergymen is clinging on for dear life. Because out there is a population that finds that if He can’t hear and answer on the lines of instant noodles, He surely can’t expect us to wait around and just ‘know’ He exists!!That’s sheer hypocrisy!  
Personal beliefs have the luxury of choice from our Constitution. Sovereign, Secular, Democratic, Republic. Words the very first civics class drills into our heads! It never ceases to amaze, the power these four words imply when they march out of mouths conditioned to do so respectfully. In keeping with this post, the focus is on the sentinel of religion- Secular. Non-believers encircle the word like vultures, commanding an explanation when it cowers in the corners. Because it is shown a reflection. ‘Honourable’ executions, coercive conversions, stone-age customs that camouflage social atrocities mock its existence.
But at this blatant stripping of a system that consoles and comforts countless, one is forced to interject- “Which commandments or doctrine condones inhuman behaviour? Why have I always heard only the parts difficult to emulate, like concord, co-existence, compassion and other such channels conferring basic humanity?”
I guess the contradiction is between the ‘what’ and the ‘Who’, and the two we freely converge. To elaborate, doings of those created are conveniently blamed on the Creator. This colours our osmosis of right and wrong, and the eventual confusion is best clarified by completely castrating from the roots.
And so resurrects from the ashes of rejected religion, the resilient Atheist.

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